Why Underground Landlord and Why Now?
There is a popular proverb quoted often which reads "Necessity is the mother of invention". As much as I would like to take credit for Underground Landlord I would have to say a great deal of credit goes to the states which have overran us with biased laws making property ownership damn near sinful and tenants who use these laws to wreak havoc on hard working men and women in the real estate investment world. Not to be left out in the cold but our lovely politicians who are skilled at speaking from both edges of their tongues and not saying anything productive from either. Still yet there is credit du to society as a whole for rearing an entire generation of entitled humans that feel they are owed a living and free housing, medical, love etc. simply because of where they happen to be born. That's right all of these have contributed to the creation and implementation of Underground landlord. This is nothing more than a vehicle to help us protect ourselves by using others misfortune. And let's face it, you don't have to be in this business long anymore to have quite a few misfortune stories to add to the system.
What Else Does Underground Landlord Have to Offer?
Underground Landlord is more than a place for landlords to exchange unsavory tenants. There is a wealth of knowledge from literally thousands of landlords on board. We offer message boards, groups based on location as well as member areas with laws and ordinances pertaining to each State or Province.
Just a Bit About Myself!
Hi. My name is David Vaughn and I'm the founder of www.UndergroundLandlord.com . I have been in the rental business for over 20 years and have messed up about every way you possibly can. Most of my knowledge that will be shared from this Website comes from the School of Hard Knocks. I will put out a disclaimer here that my collection percentages with tenants is currently and has been for years much higher than average compared to other landlords and property managers so obviously I have learned some things along the way and will be sharing with each and every member.
As you have probably already figured out if you have been renting homes for any amount of time the most important skill to being a landlord is Tenant Selection . At some point along the way we all struggle with this in the landlord business. That is why I have developed this site. As a member you place all the tenants in YOUR database. This is important as we will not now nor ever share anyone's private information. As the database grows by you inviting other landlords in your area you can begin to run prospective tenants against the databases. Our searches are weighted and if you search a tenant that shows up it will not show you the tenant. It will however show you that another landlord has a tenant in his or her database that closely resembles your tenants info. The site will return up to 5 landlords per search if they are in the site. If you are looking at a prospective tenant and the search brings 5 landlords back to you it means that a person closely matching they person you searched has been placed in at least 5 landlords database.
Obviously the choice is up to you whom you choose to rent to but it's also up to you how diligently you wish to do your background., What I suggest here at www.UndergroundLandlord.com is that you place a notice on your application process noting that you will do independent background checks as you deem necessary. Also make sure to have prospective tenants initial this as well as sign below. This protects you as the landlord when doing your due diligence. Never underestimate the ability of another human being to drop to the level of causing you problems. Also NEVER rent to anyone without doing extreme due diligence.

Wow this tenant really trashed my rental home. I sure wish there was some type of Tenant Blacklist or Bad Tenant Database to put these guys in. This is horrible! Wait! There is something like that. www.undergroundlandlord.com if I remember right!
Be Sure To View The NavBar Above as Well as the Links Below To Discover Many Features Underground Landlord Has Already Implemented To Aid You In Your Landlord Goals. Remember, We Are Landlords Too and Understand The Struggle!

Our Mission!
We represent landlords. There is an attack on our profession both from the media as well as the government. Landlords are personified as greedy rich people mean cruel and heartless just looking for ways to evict tenants at a moment's notice. While there may be some out there with this mentality by and large this isn't the case. Quite the contrary most are very hard-working individuals that are putting all they have into a group of investment homes to provide affordable and quality housing for their tenants.
We are here to help the mom-and-pop landlord as well as the complex protect that investment so they can better serve the community. No one wants to deal with a nightmare tenant despite what many of the states want to force on us. The truth is if we screen our tenants correctly not only does it benefit us, but also the 85% of solid hard-working tenants in the world that want a solid place to live. Look at it like this, if you hadn't rented that apartment to that guy that raped you on rent and destroyed your appliances then it would have been open for someone else who probably needed it worse and would have taken better care of it.
Our end goal and our mission is to rid this business of the serial tenants, the professional tenants and the destructive tenants. We are going to do this by helping one landlord at a time and providing the means for landlords to help themselves. Thanks for checking us out and we look forward to getting to know you here on Underground Landlord. Sign Up! and Get Involved!
It is past time for us to work together and stop the laws from working against us. It's time to unify from local to national!