Underground Landlord Navigation
Notice the navigation bar in the header above or the area where it says Home, About US, Search Tenants, Add Tenants, FAQ, Disclaimer, Member Home. This is the main navigation area for Underground Landlord. Once you add a tenant you can begin to search for tenants in the database. Now you notice, we don't have a "tenant blacklist" per say. We do not leave you hanging however. Once you have added your tenant, First name, Last Name, and last 4 digits of social for minimum, you can search. You can also search with this minimum as well. When you run a search on a prospective tenant, if the tenant is in one or more of our landlord's databases, we show you the landlord or landlords. Not the tenant. Why is this important? Because we give you the same information without revealing any private information about anyone, well accept the other landlords and they signed up for it. This keeps us from violating any privacy laws or any laws at all frankly. Now we have a tool that we can work together with.

In the picture above you see an image of our header which is at the top of every page in the Underground Landlord network. As you see there is a small menu in place on the Navbar.
About Us
Search Tenants
Add Tenants
Member Home
These are the main areas to navigate throughout on the site. Home is naturally the homepage in which you initially arrived most likely. About Us goes into some details regarding our purpose and our mission statement. Search Tenants is where once you are signed up and logged on you can search a particular tenant and see if one of the landlords in our network have logged them in. Add Tenant is also where you can add tenants you have had issues with. FAQ will go into details about our site. The Disclaimer area is where we answer some of the general objections to Underground Landlord and Member Home is where you go to interact with others on the site. From there there are groups and forums and blogs all revolving around the rental business. ​
Using the Navbar
Navigating Underground Landlord
How Do I Add a Tenant To Underground Landlord?
How Do I Search a Tenant on Underground Landlord?
Do I Have to Be a Member to Search?
Is The Information Verified?
Is Underground Landlord Legal?
Where is Underground Landlord Available?
What is the Member Home Area?
How Can I Help Spread The Word About Underground Landlord
Is Underground Landlord a Tenant Blacklist?
Who Can Add Tenants To Underground Landlord?
What Are Member Groups and Are They Useful?
Where Are Member Forums?
How Do I Contact Underground Landlord?
I Am Being Harassed By Someone What Can I Do?
I Am A Tenant And I Wish To Dispute Being On Here?
I Am A Tenant Who Did What I'm Accused But I Would Like To Know How I Can Be Removed From This List?
Back To List

How Do I Add A Tenant To Underground Landlord?
Notice the two pictures to the left of this description. The picture on the top of the box is an exact photo of our header which is located at the very top of every page within our network. We have circled the Button "Add Tenant" which when clicked will bring up a light box where you will enter your tenants information. The more information you can place the better but the bear minimum for adding a tenant to our database is First Name, Last Name and last four digits of SS number. This is for two reasons. One we want to weed out someone not getting a place to rent simply because their first and last name matched someone who was a horrible tenant. Second, this is where those searching for previous landlords get your information as well. We don't want them contacting you with just a first and last name. At least by providing first name, last name and last four digits of social, they are someone credible who should have the information!
Also in the picture notice the buttons with a grey background and white writing. You will find these beside your profile on the Member Home Page along with other features. These buttons are also occasionally spread out on other pages within the site. This provides multiple and redundant ways for adding tenants to our database. All we ask is you be honest in truthful with those you add.

How Do I Search A Tenant On Underground Landlord?
If you notice the photo to the left of the blue header with the picture of the small detective in the upper left hand corner. This is our header and navbar and you will find it at the top of every page on the site. The menu listing circled in red, Search Tenant will pull up a light box where you can search tenants on our network. We will never display any information about this tenant to you however we will provide you with a landlord or landlords name who has placed a similar matching tenant in our system. This prevents us from being a tenant blacklist or a bad renter database.
Also if you notice the buttons in the photos above you will find these on your Member Home page and other various pages throughout our site and network. The button labeled "Search Tenant" will pull up a light box on any page as well allowing you to search the network.

Use your existing Facebook. Google or Email Address to signup to your free account here on Underground Landlord. Take Control of Your Investment Today?
Do I Have To Be A Member To Search Underground Landlord?
Absolutely. We use this site to build a community of like minded people and help one another benefit from our mistakes as we benefit from their mistakes. It would be both unfair and unjust to allow those who don't contribute to benefit from what we as a group or community.
Signing up is easy and Free. Click the log in button at the top of the page and you will be prompted to make your free account. This is your first step to taking control of your tenant selection process. Now we start working together one landlord at a time to strengthen one another as a group. It is past time this was in place.

Is The Information Verified?
The information unfortunately is not verified by any third party. We simply connect one landlord to another landlord. As with anything we encourage our members to do their own due diligence even above the information obtained from us. Rental property is a risk and it all comes down to one key fact, Tenant Selection.
We do give you tools to aid in the process. You are always welcome to use the locations and address's you find from other landlords on our site to do even deeper due diligence if you are feeling uneasy about someone.

Is Underground Landlord Legal?
Is Underground Landlord Legal? Can I be charged with defamation? Libel? The short answers are yes, no and no. We do not violate any privacy laws nor do we ever share any information you place in your database with another person. We simply connect one another by tenants. You will never see a tenants personal information.
The best response to defamation and libel is to tell the truth. Do not post information about anyone anywhere that is untrue with the sole intent of harming that individual. If you are growing as a landlord you will have enough tenants in your database to use without having to put those who don't deserve to be here on there. Always take the high road and operate in integrity and you will not have these issues to worry with. Being a landlord is a difficult job and definitely brings it's own share of challenges but don't fall prey to thinking all tenants are bad.
I have found myself in this mentality before and it's wrong. It can cause you to bypass decent folks because of a jaded event by someone completely unrelated. Again, add tenants, use the system but don't be untruthful.

Where is Underground Landlord Available?
At the time this FAQ is written Underground Landlord is Available in all 50 states within the United States of America as well as Canada and the United Kingdom. By the year 2025 we anticipate being completely worldwide. You can also do your part to help spread the word about Underground Landlord. Share us on social media, forward us to all your friends who also have rental property and tell others about us. Just with any business or service we rely on you the consumer to help us spread the good news that there is now a way as landlords we can protect ourselves against tenants that would bring us harm.

What is the Member Home Area?
The Member Home Area is where all of the bells whistles and extra features hang around. Your homepage will house info on your profile to contact and be contacted by other landlords. This is also ground zero for the forums and groups. Make sure to make use of both of these areas. Both are a treasure trove of information as you can converse with others in this business and see how they are handling common problems and hopefully find some suitable solutions along the way.
The Member Home Area also has links to some legal information as well as other interesting facts about each state and how they handle evictions, rent, nonpayment and notice to quit. If you are investing in multiple states then you already know that they can vary drastically in how they approach things as well as the remedies implemented and even how they are implemented. Definitely stop by the Member Home page and utilize all the extra resources put in place for you.
How Can I Help Spread the Word About Underground Landlord?
As you know social media is the new town square. Just ask Elon Musk! And He is right by the way. Facebook. Twitter, and Linked In are just a few of the social media giants that come to mind. Im certain as you have used this site and recognized the potential then I'm sure you have thought about other landlords that are near you and would benefit from it as well. After all, the more of us using it the better it benefits us. Many of them don't know. We are a fresh startup and even with the maximum dollars spent on advertising it still takes months of time taking work to get ranked high enough on Google to be in the top searches. Thats where you come in. Feel free to post about The Underground Landlord on all forms of social media. Also email landlords you know or simply tell some about us. Help them sign up if need be. Also remember most landlords are sharp investors but many are not so computer friendly so you may have to show them a few times how it works or link them this navigation page.
You See The Need! Take Underground Landlord Social So Others Can Benefit From This Great Service!

Define a Blacklist!
The typical thought process is a Tenant Blacklist is some mythical list that only exist among the Landlord Gods or the elites of the elites! Something that has been long since guarded and secret set up only to protect the few. This is what comes to mind when we hear Tenant Blacklist and what most people think of and shun!
Is Underground Landlord a Tenant Blacklist?
Before determining whether or not Underground Landlord is in fact a tenant blacklist we must first define what a tenant blacklist is! The photo to the left covers the typical definition. Now we have a basis to work with. From that definition then absolutely No we are not a mythical list of horrible people designed to only be for a few. In fact there is honestly no list at all that you can physically se. Underground Landlord is compared to other tenant blacklist but is actually not even similar. Our set up is night and day. You can have all the information possible on a specific tenant and we will never no should we tell you this is a good tenant or a bad tenant. We will however do the following!
Underground Landlords Purpose!
We exist for the sole purpose of aiding you in the tenant selection process. We are not a Tenant blacklist nor are we a bad tenant database. We connect you as the prospective landlord with potentially one or more previous landlords of a tenant you are searching. This tenant may have or may not have given you this landlords information. This is how our system works. Now you have landlords to speak to and verify if you have the same tenant or not. Underground Landlord doesn't make your tenant selection decisions for you but rather we arm you with information by combining the power of social media platforms with the tried and true method of word of mouth advertising to aid you in making the best decision possible for your situation. Isn't it better to have "ALL" the info before selecting someone to live in your long term investment property?
Only Active Members of Underground Landlord Can Add Tenants At This Time!
Members Only!
Who Can Add Tenants To Underground Landlord?
Let's face it. We live in a fallen world with fallen people. As much as we want to leave our site with open borders and no restrictions, human nature just won't allow it. We would be overran with rediculous and invalid information so we have restricted our site to active and signed up Members Only to have access to both adding and searching tenants. There are also requirements for adding to search. We are here to help one another and as landlords and investors we understand the concept of give and take. Therefore those who only wish to take but never give are frowned upon. Let's pull one another up not take advantage of each other.
Protection for Members!
This is in place to protect our members. No one wants to search and receive unreliable information therefore those providing info should be available to back up the information provided. We do provide a computerized version of info from members who are no longer active but should be used for reference only.
Protection for Tenants!
This also serves as a means of protection for tenants. No one should end up here because some random person found us on the internet and decided to badmouth someone. That type of behavior is prosecutable and will be done so as it should.

What Are Member Groups and Are They Useful?
Member Groups are a great way to transfer information to masses quickly. They are very useful in say cases of class action lawsuits. IF a group of landlords in a specific state were to get together to try to start a coalition to bring about real political change member groups would be a place to gain a following and transfer information to get the ball rolling. As a website we have created one group for each state. We do encourage our members to start their own groups concerning local municipalities because sometimes the laws vary from one place to the other.
We do ask that before creating a group for a city or county that we make sure there isn't one already. This is one reason the tenants beat us on every angle they are more organized. It is imperative that we begin a coalition and become like minded at least against the anti landlord persona to enact real change in our profession.
Notice the photo on the left of this article. This will appear on your member home page and will allow you to both enter into and create groups of your choosing. Let's work together to build a strong network of solid landlords.

Where Are Member Forums?
A forum in Underground Landlord is nothing more than a typical message board like many other sites across the web. We do however attempt to screen members and insure that you are only speaking to other landlords. Forums is where some magic happens for the young landlord as well as the seasoned veteran. I have spent many nights on some forums learning and gleaning from older more experienced guys and have picked up on quite a few tips and tricks along the way.
I now spend some time on a few sending out those tips and tricks to anyone who will take them. Some of the best education you can get in the rental business is from those who have gone before. This is a great advantage in the forums once you can identify who the true veterans are they can be a wealth of knowledge. Especially when you come across some that are in your state. Most laws are broken up by state. Two states can actually border one another and be completely opposite on how they interpret Landlord/Tenant law. This is where gleaning from experience is a must!
Contact Us
How Do I Contact Underground Landlord?
Find the header at the top of every page and scroll over until you highlight over "FAQ" button and then click the drop-down menu that says Contact Us!
You will be brought to a page with the contact device as pictured to the left of this paragraph. Fill in the information and send it to us. We try to respond to messages as quickly as possible. Send the request on we love hearing from other landlords. Also feel free to send us some blogs or suggestions. We love member contributions.
For more convivence you may also click the banner below and be taken directly to the Contact us page!

I Am Being Harassed By Someone What Can I Do?
Make sure to get a screenshot of the person harassing you and try to include all proof possible. If there is no evidence it becomes, he said, she said situation and we have very little power to stop it. There are protocols in place for you to block members if you don't want to hear from them or read their post however, I would caution you for blocking folks simply because you disagree with their ideas or since of business principles. We are all ultimately to share information and to learn from each other.

I Am A Tenant And I Wish To Dispute Being On Here?
It is possible that you have either matching information or have been mistakenly placed on the Underground Landlord. If you believe this is the case please reach out to us. Scroll over to the button labeled "FAQ" and the dropdown menu click "Contact Us" and send us your first and last name, last 4 digits of your social and what landlord you think may have you on here improperly. Next please scan and send any and all proof you have that the landlord is in the wrong. If we find after our investigation that you were placed mistakenly you will be removed from our system.
If we find that you were placed from malice the member who done so may be ejected from the site and disallowed to participate again. We take such matters serious. We set out to protect Landlords from serial tenants but at the same time we do not wish to cause problems to the 85 plus percent of the tenant population that pay their bills and keep up the properties like solid hard working citizens which they are.
The Repentant Tenant!
I Am A Tenant Who Did What I'm Accused But I Would Like To Know How I Can Be Removed From This List?
We all do things from time to time we later regret. Admitting is the first step but what typically convinces someone you are sincere is when you rectify the situation. If you know you are on our list and have willfully wronged or left a landlord unpaid but would like to fix the situation, feel free to reach out to us and we will negotiate with the landlord or landlords on your behalf. Ultimately the decision will be theirs, but we will honor whatever agreement is reached. IF they agree to remove you for a certain amount of financial compensation, we will facilitate the deal and see that both parties are given what was agreed upon.
We also advise you to do right in the rest of your agreements going forward because simply because you were removed from the list once doesn't insure no one will ever add you back in the future. It will not be the landlords you reached agreements with but others could always use our services as well. You never really know which landlords use Underground Landlord and Which Landlords Don't!
The Repentant Tenant!